Beaver Dam WI Chiropractor Shares About Inflammation and Chronic Disease

There are two main types of Inflammation—Acute and Chronic. Acute is the type that results from injury, such as a sprained ankle. Acute Inflammation serves as direct response in the healing process. Chronic Inflammation, on the other hand, is very destructive to your health. Your team of chiropractors in Beaver Dam WI want you to learn the difference and make the necessary changes in your life to reduce the negative effects.
Chronic Inflammation and Chronic Disease
Some examples of Chronic diseases are degenerative arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity and digestive problems. Many diseases today may seem unrelated, but the underlying cause is Chronic Inflammation.
Three-Pronged Approach to Reducing Inflammation in Beaver Dam WI
While there are many causes of Chronic Disease, Dr. Jerome recommends a three pronged approach for reducing the destructive and sometimes debilitating effects of inflammation.
- Clean Up Your Diet
- Exercise
- Chiropractic Care
Clean Up Your Diet
Over processed foods, sugary foods, and fast food can overwork our GI track and cause inflammation.
Todays consumption of sugar is out of control. It has doubled over the past 30 years, and increased six fold in the last century! That increase in sugar consumption is causing our body to incorrectly process the food we eat into fat rather than energy. When our body is out of balance, even healthy choices are improperly processed, which is increasing the obesity problem in today’s society.
What should you do? – Start by getting your sugar from natural sources, such as fruit. Also, make sure that you do not consume fructose (sugar) without its naturally accompanying fiber and vitamin C. Example: Eat whole fruit, do not drink fruit juice.
Choose foods that are the least processed and supplement your food choices with proven-quality nutritional supplements.
No first step is too small! – Any reduction in sugar intake is important to your health!
Your body was designed to move. Recent studies show that a sedentary life style can be as detrimental to your health as smoking. Exercise improves not only your physical health, but your mental health. So get moving!
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic adjustments are so important. They remove spinal interference, and allow the body to naturally heal itself.
Additionally, Dr. Jerome Tyjeski of Tyjeski Family Chiropractic is a great resource for information about exercise, diet, supplements, and other treatments, such as laser therapy that will help you to be your best!
If you have any other questions for your Beaver Dam WI chiropractor or want to learn more, call Tyjeski Family Chiropractic today. We'd love to hear from you!
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