Beaver Dam WI Chiropractor Describes How to Make 4 "Some" Resolutions

The Beaver Dam WI chiropractic team at Tyjeski Family Chiropractic describes how to get your year off to a great start: It is the season of resolutions. If you are like me, you have made the most common ones on an annual basis. I will lose weight, exercise more, be more organized, and save more money. But this year I challenge you to make “some” resolutions that could be life changing.
Make 4 "Some" Resolutions in Beaver Dam WI
- Learn SOME-thing — it is easy to get into a rut and do the same things over and over. This year challenge yourself to learn something new. Learn a new craft or hobby. Learn how to do something new on your computer or smart phone. Learn a foreign language or how to cook new food. By learning new things you keep your brain strong. So essentially this is your exercise goal…..exercise your brain and have some fun in the process!
- Meet SOME-one — Most days we see the same people, or so we think. In reality, we see a lot of other people we don’t know. At the grocery store, post office, restaurant. Make it a point to talk to other people. If you don’t know what to say, ask them a question about themselves. They will usually answer and you will make a connection, if not just keep trying. You can never have too many friends and acquaintances.
- Go SOME-where — It doesn’t have to be a big trip, although those are fun. It can be a drive to see an old friend. Maybe you can visit the zoo, or a local attraction. Take in a county park or a good movie. Get out and about. Share yourself with the world. We miss you!
- Appreciate SOME-body – Make it a point to share a kind word daily. Does someone look nice? Do you like their hair or sweater? Don’t just appreciate how they look, appreciate what they DO. People like to be noticed. You never know when a kind word can change their day!
SOME-times we get bogged down with big resolutions that are hard to keep. But maybe this year, the changes in our life should start small and grow. One step forward. One Kind Word. One New Friend. One New Experience. That can all add up to One Big SOME-thing.
To learn more about how to get your health and life on track this year, contact your Beaver Dam WI chiropractors today!
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